How to Keep the Plaque Away

How to Keep the Plaque Away

Have you ever noticed your teeth having a little bit of a strange, almost “fuzzy” sensation at the end of the day. What you are feeling isn’t mere fuzz, but it’s something that is similar. It’s actually plaque, which is a biofilm made up of a bunch of naturally-occurring bacteria, and this bacteria feeds on the food that we ingest, and they love foods that have a ton of carbs. As they feed on these particles, they create an acidic result in the enamel, which causes cavities. This can eventually reduce the wear and tear of the teeth, and could make them fall out, or even affect the gums. Given how destructive this can be, you may wonder what you can do to keep this at bay. Well, here are a few ideas for you to keep the bacteria in check.

First, brush twice a day, and if possible after every meal. Floss at least once a day, since this will help you remove the particles of plaque, and which would otherwise contribute to decay. You can also use an antibacterial mouthwash too, which will reduce the instance of decay, and a fluoride mouthwash can help strengthen it.

You should also consider chewing sugarless gum between meals. This removes the particles from the teeth, but it also stimulates saliva production, which in turn will neutralize acids.

Also, look at the foods that you eat. If you’re eating sweet, or starchy foods, this becomes problematic. Even natural fruits become issues if you don’t take the time to get rid of it.

You should avoid using tobacco or smoking, since besides being bad for you, smokers typically have higher numbers of plaque, so it’s not good for you period.

You should also make sure to make regular checkups to the dentist to get cleanings and such. You can see a hygienist, who will help you get rid of the plaque that’s there, and anything left behind.

Finally, get yourself some dental sealants, which will protect the chewing surfaces of the teeth with a thin layer of plastic on there. This is great in particular not just for the back teeth, but for children, who may have foods plenty of times that make it vulnerable to decay. It’s important to make sure that you take your time, and you figure out for yourself just what you’re doing, and the perfect means for you to take care of your oral health.

Plaque isn’t good for anyone, and if you’re worried about whether or not you have it, the best thing for you to do, is to make sure that you take the time and effort to ensure that you have a good footing on your oral health. Make sure to take the time and work to treat the conditions easily, and from there, you’ll be able to create not only a healthier mouth for yourself, but also prevent conditions from coming about as well that aren’t good too.