All About tooth Extraction

All About tooth Extraction

Sometimes, you may be told that hey, you need a tooth extraction. You might look at this with complete dread, but it’s really the removal of the tooth from the socket all the way to the bone. If the tooth is broken or damaged with decay, the dentist will fix this with a filling, crown or other means, but if there is too much damage, then it needs to be extracted. A loose tooth will need extraction if there is no way to keep it around, even if you have a bone graft done. Some people get these because they have extra teeth that cause crowding, baby teeth don’t fall out when they should, causing a crowding once again of both type of teeth. Some may get these because they have teeth that need to be extracted before braces are put on. Someone receiving radiation on the head and back of the neck might need teeth removed. If the person has drugs that weakened the enamel of the teeth, it could weaken the immune system and infect the teeth, and they need to be extracted if infected. Some might also need these extracted if they are a source of infection before an organ transplant. They are usually very high risk of infection.

Finally, sometimes you need to get extractions if your wisdom teeth are crowding, usually done before or after they appear. Usually, if they’re decayed, causing cysts and infections, if they’re stuck in the jaw and won’t come out, if they’re irritating the gums and swell up, then you’ll need these removed. Sometimes, people take all four our at one point.

The way that this is done is simple. First, the surgeon will look at x-rays to see the best way to remove this. Then, you must give your full medical history, including medications you take, whether they’re prescriptions, drugs, vitamins, or even supplements. There might be a panoramic x-ray done if the teeth are wisdom teeth to see the relationship of the teeth.

Some may give you antibiotics before you begin, especially if you already have an infection, a weakened immune system, or specific medical conditions. You may get an IV anesthetic, which ranges from conscious sedation to general anesthetic. You will then be given the IV, and if you have a cough, stuffy nose, or a cold a week before you may not get anesthesia, and if you have nausea or vomiting the night before, you may need to change when it happens. From there, the extraction is done, and it’s either a simple extraction, which helps get the tooth out of the mouth with an elevator and forceps. There is also the surgical extraction, which is used if the tooth is broken at the gum line. They usually cut the gum and remove it, and you may take the bone out.

At this point, you are then driven home by someone because you’ll be in no shape to walk. Expect to feel pressure.