The differences between Invisalign and braces.

The differences between Invisalign and braces.

When you’re choosing orthodontic treatment, you have a few options, with the two main ones being either Invisalign or traditional braces.  But, what’s so similar between these, and what is different? Read on to find out.

The first is the similarity.  Both of them literally do the exact same thing that the other does, which is where a bit of gentle pressure is pushed onto the teeth in order to manipulate this into the jaw’s new, desired position.  This is one of the most successful was to fix both bite and alignment issues.  But, both Invisalign and braces do it a bit differently. Ti’s the same thing, just a different type of treatment, and we’ll tell you below what it means for you who are using this.

Now the key difference is design.  Invisalign is very different from braces, and while there are different types, most people know what braces are, with the brackets, metal bands, and the like.  These are used to manipulate and put everything into a new position in a very slow process that’s gradual. You oftentimes once even notice your teeth are moving at times, and it takes about 1-2 years on average.

However, the design of this is different, where they use aligners to put them over the teeth. It may not look like they’re doing much, and it might seem like ti’s slow-going, but they actually are pushing onto your teeth in order to push them about, and it allows for a more discreet treatment option, and you don’t have to worry about messy aligners and the like when you’re doing this.

The difference is also the treatment program as well. For braces, you need to see your dentist a whole lot more in order to get them adjusted. Every 4-8 weeks you have to go in and see the dentist, depending on this.  With Invisalign, you just move from one aligner to the next in each stage series of the plan, and you will need to wear the aligners for at least 22 hours a day before you continue, but you only need to check in every 6-12 weeks to show the progress.

It also is much easier for people to wear too.  With braces, you can’t eat as much, and you’re basically stuck with those ugly old boys till you’re done, and it will definitely be a damper on the way you eat things.  You won’t’ be able to have anything sticky, and you’ll also not be able to eat things that get stuck in the teth. With Invisalign, it’s a different game, so nobody will have to worry about food compromises or the like. It’s so much easier, and it makes everything all the better.

It’s easier, more comfortable, and better for you. Oftentimes, lots of people don’t’ even realize what’s going on when they get this, and they oftentimes will definitely like this option more than others.