Biofilm Formation, and how to Protect the teeth

Biofilm Formation, and how to Protect the teeth

Whether you like it or not, the mouth is filled with both good and bad bacteria.  You have to look at this, because there are organized and complex communities that are called biofilm which develop if the material in the mouth isn’t properly treated. However, the formation of this does take time, but the problem is, if you’re not careful, dental diseases will happen.

So what are the different stages/ read below to learn.

First, you have the planktonic phase, which is when the bacteria that are in the mouth that are free-floating and make contact initially with a surface, both randomly, and through chemicals.

Next, you have the actual biofilm stage, which is where the materials will come together with the bacteria, and from there, attach to a surface to form these colonies, which leads to the development of these complex communities on the surface.

Next, you have the dispersion phase, which is actually the most dangerous and last step. This is when the bacteria moves to another area, in order to infect the next place.

So which oral bacteria are harmful? The answer isn’t all of them, but there are a few that can show up. About five different kinds, such as streptococcus, polyphyromonas and others will actually be very harmful for you.

So what are some common oral diseases that happen? Well, first and foremost, is you have the obvious tooth decay which occurs readily.  You need to look at this, especially if you have a diet that’s high in sugars and the like.  This can weaken the enamel, prevent remineralization, and from there, produce cavities, and inevitably tooth decay too.

Next, you’ve got gingivitis, which is an inflammatory response that is caused by the accumulation of this around your gumline, which causes the gums to look both swollen, and red too.

The last one is the periodontitis phase, which is a condition that develops if you let gingivitis happen over time, and this is the loss of the bone support around the tooth. The problem with this step, is that it’s irreversible, which in turn will cause bone loss.

This isn’t fun, right? It can be quite devastating, and here, we’ll highlight what you need to do in order to make sure that you get the most that you can out of this, and you should definitely keep these in mind.

So what can you do about this? Well, you should always brush your teeth twice daily, and make sure that you take the time to ensure that you take the steps to ensure that your teeth are properly cleaned up. You should also, as you do this, make sure that you take some time and ensure that you work on trying to ensure that you get the most out of this too.  You should make sure that you take the time that you need in order to have healthy teeth. See a dentist twice a year regularly to get rid of the biofilm too.

The biofilm life cycle illustrated in three steps: initial attachment events, the growth of complex biofilms, and detachment events by clumps of bacteria or by a ‘swarming’ phenomenon within the interior of bacterial clusters, resulting in so-called ‘seeding dispersal.’

Most of all, you need to take some time to work on your teeth. Make sure you’re not eating a diet that’s loaded with sugars and acidic foods. Instead have a healthy diet that consists of good foods that will help, and foods that inevitably promote remineralization. It’s very important and you should make sure that, if nothing else, you take some time to ensure that you get the most from this. Take care of your oral health, and work today to ensure the proper steps are taken to make your mouth nice and healthy.