Author: Gerardo Knight

Obesity and Periodontitis

Many medical professionals do believe obesity to be a chronic condition, and it’s understood that this is on the rise, with more and more younger people becoming obese due to poor nutrition and bad eating habits. But it also puts you at risk for hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and other problems, including cancers and respiratory …

Can you have Too Much Fluoride?

Do you like fluoride? Well, according to the ADA, it’s a cavity fighter, especially for developing teeth.  You’ve probably been getting enough of it, even without trying. It comes from the water, our food and supplements, and that all is used to create strong enamel, which is good for resisting tooth decay. After the teeth …

Yucky! What is Perio Breath?

Have you ever noticed that someone has really bad breath when you’re talking to them? It’s more than just eating too much garlic, but they may have a serious issue.  They have something called perio breath, and that involves problems with the gums, which in turn contribute to those bad odors within the mouth. Here’s …

How does Tooth Decay Work

Tooth decay works in an interesting way. Simply put, some bacteria will attach themselves to plaque, and the whitish fluid will then collect on the teeth if you’re not brushing your teeth. When sugars and carbs are eaten, this has the ability to break down and use for their metabolism. They produce acid as a …

The Fluoride Controversy

Fluoride is great for teeth, but the problem is, there’s a bit of controversy surrounding it.  Fluorosis and the mottling of tooth enamel are the two main reasons, but a lot of people don’t like fluoride because of the governmental interference in it. Some say that it causes dental fluorosis and other problems including bone …

Dental Visits before Age One

A lot of children see the dentist before they turn 1, and some go when they are 1. But, why is that so important. The biggest thing is of course, the cycle of tooth decay. These conditions do create a cycle of events in a lot of babies that create oral health, decay causing bacteria, …

Dental Implant Options

When we think of our teeth as units, the dentist each gives the tooth a name and the number, but while they make up a system togethasically a neighbor to the other that functions as wone.  Each part of our teeth is a keystone that offers a lot of stones and bricks in one specific …