Category: Pediatric Dentistry

Things To Know About Dental Sealants

Careful and gentle brushing and flossing are necessary to keep your teeth clean and protect them against any issues related to teeth and gums. But, an oral hygiene regimen, no matter how good it is, cannot clean every nook and cranny of your tooth. More specifically, teeth in the back of your mouth are more …

Can you have Too Much Fluoride?

Do you like fluoride? Well, according to the ADA, it’s a cavity fighter, especially for developing teeth.  You’ve probably been getting enough of it, even without trying. It comes from the water, our food and supplements, and that all is used to create strong enamel, which is good for resisting tooth decay. After the teeth …

What to Do About Cracked Front Teeth

There are various accidents that happen, and when they involve the mouth, this leads to cracked teeth, especially cracked front teeth. Getting bumped by elbows, taking a bite out of food that’s too cold, or even tripping on the sidewalk can actually put a big issue and damper into your front teeth, which are your …

Ensuring Better Oral Health during Pregnancy and Nursing

In this article, we are going to explore the ways for mom-to-be to improve oral health in ideal manner. The risk of occurrence of oral health issues gets higher during pregnancy. This is the reason that pregnant women need to take care of their oral health in a specific manner. The reason for higher risk …

Can Dental Pulling Help You Lose Weight?

You may wonder if something as simple as oil pulling can help in losing weight. This is where we can talk about the mouth-body connection. We often talk about oral health’s importance for overall health. In this article, we will talk about the use specific area of the mouth from the perspective of ‘use it …

How General Health impacts Oral Health

Did you know that your general health may impact your oral health? New research has shown that poor oral health puts you at risk for various ailments, but let’s flip it around.  Here are health-related issues that can impact oral health. First is diabetes, which is something that is incredibly bad for your oral health, …

How Gluten can Impact Oral Health

Gluten is something that is found in grains. it’s a protein that holds all foods together. Since it can’t be broken down by the body, it’ll be absorbed. However, for those with celiac disease, they can’t eat gluten since it triggers an autoimmune response. A healthy diet that is gluten free can sometimes benefit you, …