Tag: decay

How does Tooth Decay Work

Tooth decay works in an interesting way. Simply put, some bacteria will attach themselves to plaque, and the whitish fluid will then collect on the teeth if you’re not brushing your teeth. When sugars and carbs are eaten, this has the ability to break down and use for their metabolism. They produce acid as a …

Strategies for Preventing Tooth Decay

There are different stages of prevention that you can do.  It doesn’t just mean brushing and flossing, and don’t eat sugar. This in fact offers many complications, and your dental office might have other steps to help you figure out how at risk you are for caries through your saliva and bacteria, and of course …

Common Diseases which Cause Tooth Decay

No part of our body functions completely independently, and our teeth aren’t an exception to that either. Tooth decay is caused by more than just bad hygiene, and tooth decay is really a warning sign that there is a large problem happening in the body. There are many diseases which cause this too, and if …

Daily Dental Care Tips to Ensure Better Tooth Decay Prevention

Tooth decay refers to the destruction of tooth structure as a result of acid’s interaction with the teeth. The decay starts with the dissolution of tooth enamel and it progresses through dentin to reach the inner pulp of the tooth. At this stage, the infectious elements also attack the inner pulp to cause infection, leading …

Things to Know About Tooth Decay and Cavities

Sugar is not good for our teeth. This is what we are often told; and the matter of fact is that it is true. But sugar alone is not responsible for tooth decay and cavities. Certain carbohydrates and other nutrients that contain starches are also responsible for a number of dental infections. The reason is …