Tag: dental

Why dental Professionals Shouldn’t Neglect Talking about tobacco

Tobacco is one of the major causes of death in the US, taking almost half of a million lives, with 15% of adults and 20% of youth using to tobacco, and about 40% of children are regularly exposed to tobacco smoke. Smoking and tobacco exposure actually puts you at a much higher risk for oral …

Who Needs Dental Bonding?

Nobody has perfect teeth. Whether it be aging, personal habits, or injuries and accidents, this can affect the teeth in many different ways. There are many dental procedures that are used to improve the way the teeth looks and are used. It’s called bonding, and bonding has a few advantages over veneers, and a lower …

What are Dental Bridges?

If you’ve recently lost a tooth from injury, medical issues, or other natural causes, you may wonder how to restore your smile since it creates gaps and cosmetic issues, along with pain when you chew, jaw discomfort, and other problems. But, dental bridges can help, and here, we’ll talk about all that these bridges can …

Common Dental Myths Debunked

You may have heard of dental myths before, but they’re rampant in the industry, and often, it creates a problem for people because they believe it, and it can affect the health of the teeth. Here are the top dental myths debunked, and what they really mean for you. The first one is that you …