Tag: health

How Gluten can Impact Oral Health

Gluten is something that is found in grains. it’s a protein that holds all foods together. Since it can’t be broken down by the body, it’ll be absorbed. However, for those with celiac disease, they can’t eat gluten since it triggers an autoimmune response. A healthy diet that is gluten free can sometimes benefit you, …

What tour Tongue says about your oral health.

You probably notice on your tongue you’ve got bumps, spots, and patches that can be harmless, but they also can give an indication to what is going on in your mouth, and body.  Infections, medications, stress, and aging can make marks on the tongue, and you can find out what your tongue is telling you …

Oral Health issues Seniors Face

As you get older, there are other oral health concerns that you should worry about.  Here, we’ll talk about the top health concerns that seniors have in terms of their oral health. First is dry mouth. Or xerostomia, which is when you don’t have enough saliva in your mouth. When there isn’t enough, you may …

Diabetes and Oral Health

Diabetes is a condition that impacts how your body controls the blood glucose levels. If you’ve got type I, your body doesn’t have enough insulin, which is what transports the sugar from the blood to the cells. If you have type II, your body doesn’t respond period, and in both cases, you’re going to have …

How to improve Oral Health at an early Age

Many parents have experienced the refusal or resistance when it comes to brushing teeth, but it is important to do that, and parents play a major part in developing the proper oral health habits that children need. Parents can utilize these in order to improve their oral health, and there are different ways to motivate …

How Whiplash Affects Oral Health

Whiplash is a term that refers to neck injury when the head and neck is forced to move past the normal range of motion, commonly happening in car accidents, especially when someone is rear-ended. Typically when this happens, the head move back as the body goes forward, crating a recoil motion, and the head will …