How Dentists Seal Teeth

How Dentists Seal Teeth

Dental sealants are coatings made of plastic that are applied over the teeth that are at risk for decay, especially newly emerged molars or other areas. By sinking these into the fissures and pits of the teeth, the lines of the sealant will protect the teeth from the bacteria and acids that create cavities. It’s simple and painless, and here, we’ll tell you how it’s done.

First of all, it’s a single visit. To prepare the teeth, the dentists will remove any plaque and food debris that’s there, cleaning them with a brush and some pumice pace. They will dry and isolate these next, and they will use a gentle stream of air, and they’ll surround it with cotton rolls to prevent saliva from getting in. next, they etch it, and it will help create a good resin-based bond that bonds well with the surface. Each is applied, left on the tooth, and then go from there.

Next, the sealant is put on, and they rinse the area first, in order to isolate the area again with cotton rolls to dry it off. From there, the sealant is put on there. It’s a liquid that sets into a plastic film located on the tooth, and the hygienist will brush this onto the surface of the tooth, guiding it straight into fissures and pits. Sometimes, they are sealed in seconds, others require a UV light. If the sealant is placed under light, the dentist will sine it for up to 30 seconds. These usually last about several years, but they can be checked on the regular during visits, and they are not a substitute for good care and taking care of your teeth. By using a fluoride toothpaste, and flossing on the regular, you’ll be able to prevent cavities even without a sealant present.

Sometimes the dentist may seal this with glass isomers, which are different from the resin ones and require a different application. They stick to wet surfaces, so you won’t’ need to dry before you apply. The glass isomer sealants are the best for those teeth at are hard to isolate, such as those teeth that aren’t fully emerged from the gums. You won’t need to etch the surface when applying this, but instead, there is a conditioning agent used, and they may not even set it with a light, but sometimes they will use the blue light to reduce the time by a lot.

Usually, sealants are applied from age 6-12, but older kids and adults can also benefit from these, so it’s not a limited process. This also doesn’t cost a whole lot, and it’s over quite quickly. If you do think that this is for you, you can always talk to your dentist, and find out for sure whether or not you need them.

they’re a great procedure if you do have teeth that need to be further protected, and if you’re wondering whether you need it or not, you do.