Things You Need To Know About Fluoride Treatment

Things You Need To Know About Fluoride Treatment

Before we talk about the fluoride treatment, it will be worth mentioning what fluoride is. Fluoride is basically a naturally occurring element, mainly known for its capability to strengthen the tooth enamel.Experts suggest that fluoride is the very element which can help in the proper prevention of tooth decay and cavities.

Fluoride is naturally found in the food resources which may include meat, egg, fish, and tea. In some areas, fluoride is added in the community water. This element is most typically added in toothpastes, mouth rinses, and gels which are meant to be used in professional fluoride treatment. Fluoride tablets are also available in the drugstores.

What is it used for?

Tooth enamel is basically the outer layer of the teeth. This layer is one of the strongest parts of the body. It is composed of a crystalized structure of minerals; and main part of this mineral structure is based on fluoride. The minerals are lost and gained on daily basis. Loss of minerals is known as demineralization. And gain of minerals is known as re-mineralization.

Demineralization is basically triggered due to the action of specific kind of bacteria. These bacteria feed on the sugars and cause the formation of plaque. This plaque is a mixture of food particles, bacteria and acids. The acids cause loss of minerals, breaking the crystalized structure.

Re-mineralization is the process of tooth enamel getting back minerals in order to rebuild the crystalized structure. The minerals that take part in the process of mineralization and re-mineralization are fluoride, calcium and phosphate.When the speed of demineralization surpasses the speed of re-mineralization, tooth decay occurs.

There are two ways teeth can absorb fluoride, i.e. topical and systematic. Topical application involves:

  • Fluoride treatment at dental office
  • Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Rinsing mouth with fluoridated water

Ingestion of fluoride is also helpful in the strengthening of tooth enamel.Ingestedfluoride enters the bloodstream and takes part in the development of teeth. This is called systematic fluoride treatment. The ways in which systematic fluoride works include:

  • Drinking fluoride water
  • Prescription fluoride based supplements
  • Consuming foods which contain fluoride

Fluoride supplements are generally available for children between the ages of 6 months and 16 years. The dentists prescribe these supplements to the children who do not get fluoride from the water they drink.

For adults, there are specific fluoride treatments which can be in-office or at-home.Any person who is at the risk of tooth decay is the good candidate of fluoride treatment.

Before the fluoride treatment is started, dentist cleans your teeth. The dentist may choose to clean the stains prior to the treatment.

You may receive the fluoride treatment at office or your dentist may suggest you the prescription fluoride treatment to be done at home. If you need milder fluoride treatment, you may go for the over-the-counter fluoride products.

Professional fluoride treatment mainly involves application of gel, foam or varnish. The teeth are dried prior to this application in order to prevent dilution of fluoride. You may need to wear a mouth guard-type device which would contain fluoride gel, foam or varnish.

While your dentist will take care of the doses during professional treatment, you will have to take care of it if you are applying it at home. an extra dose can cause discoloring of the tooth enamel.

After you have got the treatment, you will have to make sure that you do not eat, drink or smoke for at least 30 minutes because it can affect the fluoride applied to the teeth.