Seniors and Gum disease

Seniors and Gum disease

Gum disease isn’t uncommon, about 70% of people develop it. While it’s more prevalent in older people, it isn’t unavoidable by aging. There are various aspects that can be utilized to help you treat and prevent gum disease. By understanding this and taking the correct precautions, you can go a long way to help you protect your oral health.

Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that hold the gums. When plaque builds up at the base, it can begin to grow under the gum line, and over time, the untreated disease causes permanent gum and tissue damage, and it can even result in loss. There are two types, the first being gingivitis, and it’s much milder. You may not even notice because there aren’t many noticeable symptoms. You should see your dentist on the regular though, especially if you haven’t had a cleaning. If you don’t treat this, periodontitis happens.

Gum disease is caused by bad hygiene, and the best way to treat this is brushing twice daily and flossing on the regular. You should also see the dentist to get your teeth cleaned. There are other factors as well that happens with gum disease, and they include diabetes, genetics, hormonal changes, medication, and age, and since gum disease takes time to put together, it’s more prevalent in older people, so be mindful.

About 20% of people have some form of undiagnosed gum disease, and treatment for this is more difficult as you progress, and the sooner it’s diagnosed the better to solve the problems.there are some symptoms that can happen that cause it. Swollen or red gums, bleeding when you brush, bad breath, loose and sensitive teeth, and a receding gum line along with pain while chewing are all symptoms, and you should see a dentist immediately.

You should look at your habits too. They develop over time, and if you’re not mindful, this hurts you. Smoking, not flossing and brushing, not having enough vitamin C, brushing too hard, rinsing with water, and grinding can all impact this, so you should be careful.

Finally, if you don’t treat gum disease, this can lead to tooth and bone loss, and that’s why gum disease is the leading cause of this. Seniors who have lost a few or the complete set of teeth have to struggle, and while there are options, such as dentures and implants to help, these can be costly and potentially painful. The best way to keep your ability to eat, talk, and smile is to take care of your teeth. Gum disease is also linked to other health issues. F you have a weak immune system, the bacteria there travels to other parts of the body, causing you to increase the risk of stroke or heart disease. Sometimes, the infection of a tooth can cause infection in the heart lining.

So yes, you need to take care of your teeth, and preventing gum disease is integral to your overall health.