Author: Gerardo Knight

Impact of Tooth Loss on Overall Health

Over time, the teeth can begin to wear and tear. The reasons may be many but the top one is inadequate oral hygiene. Now, if you have got the tooth restoration, you need to keep in mind that every type of restoration comes with certain pitfalls or limitations. For instance, there is a risk of …

Foods to Consider When Your Mouth Is Numb

After certain types of dental procedures, patients end up having a numb mouth.This is the reason that many people do not enjoy going to the dentist. Now, a numb mouth can bring with it inconvenience. It can also be embarrassing because you fail to realize that you are drooling. And it can also have impact …

Things Your Mouth Can Tell About Your Health

You might be surprised that presence of cavities and other oral health issues may indicate the presence of other health issue deep down in your bodies. It means that you can identify a number of health issues by just looking at your oral cavity. As a matter of fact, your dentist may be the first …

Bad Smell At The Back Of the Tongue

When you wake up in the morning, you easily notice that your breath doesn’t smell good at that moment.You feel the bad taste in the mouth. Bad breath in the morning is quite normal. But you may still want to know what causes that bad breath. And you also wonder about the ways to improve …

Signs Your Wisdom Tooth Need To Be Removed

Wisdom tooth is fancy name. But the matter of fact is that this tooth is quite troublesome for many people. Many people need to get this tooth removed. And many people do not need it to be removed. In this scenario, you may wonder how you could know if you need to get your wisdom …

Diabetes and Gum Disease: The Two-Way Connection

In today’s world, people are more concerned about spending healthy life. To ensure better health, you will have to make sure that you are paying good attention to your body, mind and mouth. A recent survey suggests that about 50% of the American adults have periodontal disorder of varying intensity. Most of these adults are …

Sedative Dentistry for Children

Sedation dentistry is a good thing for children to have, but it can be a bit hard to figure out what a child will need. In certain conditions, your dentist my recommend using sedation for treatment, and you may wonder as a parent what the best way to accomplish this is. Well, you’re about to …