Category: Common Dental Issues & Procedures

About hairline tooth Fractures

It happens in an instant.  You bite down on something, and then you feel a sharp pain, but then it goes away. that’s a hairline tooth fracture, and it can potentially cause tooth loss in your teeth. How does it happen, and what should you do about it? Well, you should read on to find …

Can Gingivitis cause Alzheimer’s

Understanding Alzheimer’s is a hot topic currently in the scientific world. There are new advancements that have suggested that even lifestyle, to plain old genetics, can factor into this cognitive decline. Despite constant investigation ad clinical trials, there are still no new surefire causes for it. While there is still new research coming about, one …

Could you Be Overburshing your Teeth?

Overbrushing your teeth is common for a lot of people, and there is a chance you may be too diligent with your brushing. Brushing too much causes damage to your gums and teeth, and here, we’ll go over the serious side effects and what you can do about it. There are serious effects of overbrushing, …

Tips To Save Money at Dental Office

Oral health is the major requirement for overall health. You can, in fact, call it prerequisite. It is quite important to note that oral health problems can occur from time to time even if you take good care of your teeth, gums and other areas of your oral cavity. In this scenario, it is quite …

Ensuring Better Oral Health during Pregnancy and Nursing

In this article, we are going to explore the ways for mom-to-be to improve oral health in ideal manner. The risk of occurrence of oral health issues gets higher during pregnancy. This is the reason that pregnant women need to take care of their oral health in a specific manner. The reason for higher risk …

Daily Dental Care Tips to Ensure Better Tooth Decay Prevention

Tooth decay refers to the destruction of tooth structure as a result of acid’s interaction with the teeth. The decay starts with the dissolution of tooth enamel and it progresses through dentin to reach the inner pulp of the tooth. At this stage, the infectious elements also attack the inner pulp to cause infection, leading …

Things You Need To Know About Holistic Oral Health

Internet has tons of content which tells us about holistic oral health. However, a few people actually know what holistic oral health is. One thing that you need to know in this concern is that holistic oral health basically talks about the deeper connection between oral and overall health. Healing the metal disconnect with the …