Tag: children

Sedative Dentistry for Children

Sedation dentistry is a good thing for children to have, but it can be a bit hard to figure out what a child will need. In certain conditions, your dentist my recommend using sedation for treatment, and you may wonder as a parent what the best way to accomplish this is. Well, you’re about to …

Heperangina and Children

Children are prone to bumps and bruises due to their active lifestyle and curiosity.  If there are painful, red bumps on there, it’s not a result of falling down or mere childlike curiosity, but your child might have gotten herpangina, and here, you’ll find out about this condition, and how you can relieve the pain …

The Main Causes of bad breath in children

Having bad breath in adults is a common issue, and it’s usually caused by food and gum issues, but it’s becoming more of a problem in children. However, getting to the bottom of this, and removing or reducing can be simple, and the truth is, it’s important that you take care of it immediately. This …

Orthodontics for Children

If your child has teeth that are crooked, or a jaw bite that si wrong, you may need to see an orthodontist. An orthodontist is someone who uses brackets, bands, headgear wires, retainers, aligners, and the like to help. Braces are used in many dental cases, since they can correct straightened teeth that are misaligned …

Is general Anesthesia Safe For Children?

If you’re taking your child in for some procedure, they may consider giving your child general anesthesia for these complex treatments, and it might be recommended for those that aren’t able to get the normal treatments in a normal office. But, it’s definitely important to make sure that this is good for the child, and …