Orthodontics for Children

Orthodontics for Children

If your child has teeth that are crooked, or a jaw bite that si wrong, you may need to see an orthodontist. An orthodontist is someone who uses brackets, bands, headgear wires, retainers, aligners, and the like to help.

Braces are used in many dental cases, since they can correct straightened teeth that are misaligned and fix the bite. They put pressure onto the teeth to put them in the right position.  You don’t need to get the metal option, but instead you can get stainless steel, ceramic, plastic, or a combo, and you can use these directly on the tooth’s service in order to bond them.

You typically can use these to give a clear, or even a toothlike appearance to them. The wires can also be made out of different materials as well, which can affect how long they stay on, and how many adjustments.

You can also get clear aligners, which straighten teeth without traditional wires or braces. The invisible trays may be good for some who don’t want to have them showing, since they are custom-made, clear, and you can remove them.  They gradually put pressure on the teeth to push them into position.

Then there are temporary anchorage devices, which are little screws that fix the bone in the mouth to apply force towards the teeth in order to create a better tooth control. They are becoming more common as of late.

Rubber bands are also used. they’re elastics, and are used when you need more force to move the jaws and the teeth into the right position. Headgear usually is attached to the braces from the back of where the head is, and can be removed.  Headgear is also used for more force, and typically is worn when sleeping.

Finally you’ve got a retainer, which is used when they’re removed to keep the teeth from shifting. Some are removable, others are fixed, and some are even customized.

So, can you see a dentist for orthodontic treatment? The answer is yes if it’s it’s minimal treatment, but if you want extensive work, see an orthodontist, since they have more advanced schooling past dental school, so if there are major changes which need to be had, consider getting this instead.

A child should see an orthodontist and get evaluated by the age of 7 for if they need treatment. They dan figure out problems with the growth of the jaw and the teeth. Most kids get treatment between ages 9-14.  you should try to correct these problems while a child is growing, because once they stop, it could end up taking way more time and work. 

Finally, the youngest a child can get braces depends.  If you can, you can get them as early as age 7, so that problems can stop developing. Those who get early orthodontics though usually will need later work in life, but it could be less if you finish the treatment early enough for the teeth to develop too.