Tag: tooth

Tooth Removal and Tooth Extraction

You may be asked to have a tooth removed.  The reason varies, but it can mean because of many thing.s for example, the decay has reached the bottom of the tooth, and is deep, the infection has destroyed a portion of the tooth that’s around the bone, and there isn’t enough room for all the …

All About tooth Extraction

Sometimes, you may be told that hey, you need a tooth extraction. You might look at this with complete dread, but it’s really the removal of the tooth from the socket all the way to the bone. If the tooth is broken or damaged with decay, the dentist will fix this with a filling, crown …

Tooth Bonding Procedure

If you have a chipped tooth, it doesn’t just cramp your smile, but it also can cause pain. Fortunately, there is bonding, which is simple and pretty comfortable. it’s quick and offers a long-lasting result.  If you want a smoother smile, here is how you can get one. Before you get bonding, your dentist will …

Serious Tooth Infections

Your teeth are loaded with nerves, which is why when toothaches happen they aren’t’ a small matter. The pain from a toothache can be small, but it also showcases a deeper issue. A tooth infection might be the cause of it, which causes soreness, sharp pains, and sensitivity within the mouth, and from there, you’ll …