Tag: tooth

About hairline tooth Fractures

It happens in an instant.  You bite down on something, and then you feel a sharp pain, but then it goes away. that’s a hairline tooth fracture, and it can potentially cause tooth loss in your teeth. How does it happen, and what should you do about it? Well, you should read on to find …

Daily Dental Care Tips to Ensure Better Tooth Decay Prevention

Tooth decay refers to the destruction of tooth structure as a result of acid’s interaction with the teeth. The decay starts with the dissolution of tooth enamel and it progresses through dentin to reach the inner pulp of the tooth. At this stage, the infectious elements also attack the inner pulp to cause infection, leading …

Things to Know About Tooth Decay and Cavities

Sugar is not good for our teeth. This is what we are often told; and the matter of fact is that it is true. But sugar alone is not responsible for tooth decay and cavities. Certain carbohydrates and other nutrients that contain starches are also responsible for a number of dental infections. The reason is …

Reason for the Occurrence of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity happens to affect 40% of the adult population. This condition is also referred to as dentin hypersensitivity. And if you look at different surveys, you will be able to find that women are affected by this problem more than the men. Tooth sensitivity usually involves sharp pain originating from the tooth or teeth. …

To Pull the Tooth, or to Save it?

Sometimes, you may be stuck with the option of whether or not you should pull the tooth or save it. When you do have a diseased tooth, you may think you should pull the tooth, or save it.  You actually should try to save your natural tooth, and while the choice is ultimately up to …

All about Single Tooth Implants

If you’re looking to get an implant, you can actually get one with a dental specialist, and they’ll do a comprehensive exam, and look at the dental and medical history. The specialist will then make sure to see if you have a disease that will harm the implant. If there aren’t any issues, then they’ll …

How to Fix a Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth is never fun, and it’s important to get it fixed. As we get older, our teeth tend to have little lines and cracks, and while at first, they may seem concerning, usually they’re craze lines, cracks in the tooth enamel, which is limited to the outer layer of where the tooth is, …