Tag: teeth

Could you Be Overburshing your Teeth?

Overbrushing your teeth is common for a lot of people, and there is a chance you may be too diligent with your brushing. Brushing too much causes damage to your gums and teeth, and here, we’ll go over the serious side effects and what you can do about it. There are serious effects of overbrushing, …

What Parents Need to Know About Permanent teeth

While a child might be missing their teeth, there are permanent teeth right around the corner. These are the ones that last the rest of our lives, and while you have them, you may not know what to expect to have happen next, so here, we’ll talk about permanent teeth! Baby teeth start coming in …

Do You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Whether you’re an adolescent, young adult, or parent, you’ve probably wondered if you need your wisdom teeth removed. it’s never a fun procedure, but do you need it/ it’s kind of a rite of passage to some, but not everyone needs it.  Here, we’ll tell you whether you should worry about this or not. For …

All About Impacted Teeth

Impacted teeth are those that are blocked when they’re pushed through the gumline and erupt. A common example of that is wisdom teeth. They usually surface in between the ages of 17 and 21. dentists will look at these and call them third molars. They may become impacted if there isn’t enough room within the …

How Dentists Seal Teeth

Dental sealants are coatings made of plastic that are applied over the teeth that are at risk for decay, especially newly emerged molars or other areas. By sinking these into the fissures and pits of the teeth, the lines of the sealant will protect the teeth from the bacteria and acids that create cavities. It’s …